
LETS START 2020 ! I can proudly say I am a two time german design award winner for two different campaigns I took a part in! the whole compaign with the whole team was selected as a winner ! it was a team effort ! its a good feeling to gain the attention of an international jury ! the first was with creativteam and my discipline was photography! the portraits I took where headlining the campaign ! it was a lot of fun with the client ! the second was with my compadres buddys from kochstrasse where my disclipine was cinematography ! we created a story about a very genuine farmer! he adresses to the audience directly through the handheld moving camera which seems to be pretty random but since there are already five episodes and more to come you should click and take a look !

I want to shout out to my team and thank my creative heads for your trust in my skills as photographer and cinematographer !pow pow bäm bäm